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Greenspun JHS Newsletter 03-14-2025


Updated: 4 days ago

Week at a Glance:

Spring Break: March 15-23

Monday 3/24: 

Tuesday 3/25:

  • Shining Star Awards in the library

  • Testing meeting in the library

Wednesday 3/26:

Thursday 3/27:

  • Student of the Month awards in the library

  • Advanced Orchestra pre-festival at GVHS

Friday 3/28:

Saturday 3/29:

  • JVQ Tournament at Chaparral HS

Principal’s Message: 

Jackie Carducci  GJHS Principal
Jackie Carducci GJHS Principal

It is with immense pride that I dedicate this principal’s message to celebrate our Performing Arts young musicians, as well as our student audience at Greenspun’s Annual Fine Arts Concert this week.

Firstly, I am so proud of our student audience for the level of respect they showed to our Performing Arts musicians. Their proper concert etiquette made me smile as they listened attentively and showed their appreciation for each performance. Their behavior was a testament to how wonderful our Greenspun students are as they assisted in creating an atmosphere of encouragement for the performers. 

Secondly, I can’t even think of enough adjectives to describe the outstanding performances of the Fine Arts students 

As the art department, band, choir, orchestra, and color guard came together to present a showcase of their outstanding talent, once again,  I couldn’t stop smiling. Each of their performances warmed my heart and reminded me how talented and amazing these kids are!

I have said this countless times and am saying it again. “These kids are second to none! I appreciate their dedication and strong work ethic because I know that they spend endless hours preparing for their award-winning competitions and excellent performances.

To both performers and the student audience, thank you for making me smile. There is nothing more rewarding than witnessing student greatness, and I am proud to be your principal!

Please check out the Greenspun Gallery below for fantastic photos of our Fine Arts Week!

Events & Honors:

SBAC and Science CRT Testing: Your child is scheduled to participate in the yearly spring administration of the Nevada Criterion-Referenced Tests (CRT). CRTs are administered to students in Grades 3–8. These assessments measure whether your child is on track for college and career readiness and how well they understand the Nevada Academic Content Standards in both English language arts (ELA) and Mathematics. Students in Grades 5, 8, and 9 will also participate in the Science CRT. Online CRT testing consists of both computer adaptive tests (CAT) and fixed-form performance tasks (PT). This is a state-mandated assessment your child must participate in each spring. 

Please ensure your child is in attendance on testing days in order to complete this required assessment. 

If you have questions or concerns about this assessment, please contact Assistant Principal Katja Hermes.

Rock the SBAC:  Do you want to win an Electric scooter, Nike Air Jordan, Adidas Yeezy Sliders, Gift Cards, Aviator tickets, Area 15 tickets and much, much more?  Read Achieve articles and complete math activities on Next Gen or Pear Deck assigned by your teacher.   A score of 75% or higher on the first attempt will receive one ticket per activity for our Grand Prize Raffle on April 22.  So, get a head start and do some activities during Spring Break.  The more activities completed, the more chances to win these awesome prizes.  

Postural Screening: Postural screening, as required by Nevada State Law, will be conducted by school nurses in your child’s school on Friday April 4, 2025; this screening is only for 6th grade girls and 8th grade boys. The purpose of postural screening is to detect signs of abnormal spinal development so that the need for treatment can be determined. For this screening, boys and girls will be seen separately. Privacy will be maintained within the constraints of the school setting. Scoliosis is an abnormal curvature of the spine. Most cases of spinal curvature are mild, but may become progressively more severe as the child continues to grow. Early treatment can prevent the development of a severe deformity, which can later affect the health and appearance of the child. You will be notified only if a possible abnormality is observed and follow-up is necessary. This screening does not replace your child’s need for regular health care and check-ups. If you do not want your child to have a postural screening at school, please notify the school nurse at Thank you

Vote for Dalton!  Vote for Greenspun’s Own Dalton Villari in the Sphere Design Contest!  Support our talented student, Dalton Villari, in the Sphere Design Contest for Earth Day!  Dalton needs your votes to win!  You can vote once per category every day through March 24th!  CLICK HERE to cast your vote now! Let’s show our support and help Dalton shine!

Showtime Rebels: Showtime Rebels basketball club will be training 2 days a week and is open to middle school students (boys and girls) of all skill levels. This club team is NOT affiliated with any HS and is open to students (ages 10 - 14) who are zoned for all schools. We are strictly a club team. CLICK HERE for more information!

Updates to Tardies, Supervision, and Fights:  Greetings Dolphin Families, we wanted to update you on a few important items taking effect immediately.  Please CLICK HERE for more information

Green Valley High School incoming Freshmen information: Please see below for the course selection information for our incoming freshmen. 

Support for Jacob Aguilar: Jacob’s family would like to express their sincere appreciation for all of the kind words, letters, and donations during this difficult time. Jacob has been making progress in his recovery. If you would like to send a card or letter in support of Jacob’s family, they may be dropped off at the front office. Donations may also be made at GoFundMe: Please click here to donate to the family directly on GoFundMe

Personal Property: The school is not responsible for any personal property of students or their families. Students should not bring valuable items to school. If students bring personal items to school, they do so at their own risk. The school is not obligated to investigate lost or stolen items. The school is not responsible for reimbursement of any kind to students or their families.

Webstore: The online webstore is now available! Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to add items for payment.  Parents and guardians must create an account and add their child with a student ID number before they can make payments on the webstore. CLICK HERE to visit the new online webstore!

Absence notes: Parents, please submit absence notes within three days, by clicking on the Attendance icon on our homepage at

BIRTHDAY GREETINGS:  Do you want an easy and fun way to celebrate your child's birthday at school?  For $15, we will display a short message on the outdoor digital marquee to help celebrate the day. Additionally, a bag of treats and a personalized birthday card will be delivered to your child during the school day.  All funds raised help support Greenspun clubs and activities. CLICK HERE to submit a birthday greeting for your child!

Infinite Campus Parent portal/Student portal: Parents, please continue to monitor your child’s grades in Infinite Campus Parent Portal.  If you need an activation code, please contact the office for assistance. 

SafeVoice: SafeVoice is an anonymous tip report system with live response 24/7/365. Safevoice (SV) includes and goes beyond bullying to create an anonymous way to also report threats of school violence and friends at risk of suicide, self-harm, drugs and more.  CLICK HERE to submit a report

Rave Reviews: Do you know of any CCSD employees who make a difference and are exemplary models of the District’s core values? Recognize one of our many outstanding employees for their commitment to education by submitting a RAVE (Recognize a Valued Employee) Review. CLICK HERE to submit a Rave Review! 

School Organizational Team: The next Greenspun JHS SOT meeting will be held Wednesday, March 26 at 2:30pm in the library, to vote on the proposed budget.  Click here for GJHS SOT information

Greenspun Gallery:

Photos courtesy of the GJHS Digital Storytelling class, under the instruction of Ms. Juliano


© 2025 Greenspun Junior High School 

140 N. Valle Verde Dr. Henderson, NV 89074


Office hours: 7:00am - 3:00pm

contact the webmaster

Greenspun Junior High School is committed to providing a safe, positive, and rigorous learning environment where students can become responsible citizens and life-long learners.

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