Week at a Glance:
Monday 9/19
Flag Football Games vs. White at White 4:00 Boys and 5:15 girls
Tuesday 9/20
Shining Star Awards Ceremony in the library 7:15am
Wednesday 9/21
Flag Football Games vs. Brown at Greenspun: 4:00 boys and 5:15 girls
Thursday 9/22
Student of the Month Awards Ceremony in the library 7:15am
Friday 9/23
Spirit Day: Future College Day
Principal’s Message:

Sometimes, it is the little things in life that mean the most.
In this case, I am referring to a simple exchange of, “Good morning,” between our students and me as they approach the front gates each day.
I kid you not; there are times when I cheerfully say good morning, and students look at me with a blank stare and just walk on by.
Then, I shout, “Good Morning,” and they still keep walking.
“Oh no, that just didn’t happen!” I tell myself. “Do they not know that I am their principal?”
At this point, I literally run in front of them and pleasantly greet them for the third time with an emphatic, “Good Morning,” TRIPLE EXCLAMATION POINT!!!
As they look at me like I have lost my mind, I see a glimmer of a smile on their faces as they finally mutter a soft good morning so they can be on their way and escape the frenzy of their crazy principal.
“Woo hoo!” I exclaim. “Thank you so much and have a great day!”
Saying good morning at the start of each day is a positive way to connect with others…not just the principal of the school, but with those around us. As researchers from The Happiness Firm state, “When you say 'good morning', you are not only greeting the person, but also wishing them well for the day.”
Not only does this make us feel good, but it is a welcoming way to begin our day. In addition, it is the polite thing to do. It makes us feel valued, and, the best part of all…it is free!
So, as your principal, my simple request is this: let’s all take a moment to make someone’s day with a heartfelt, “Good Morning,” as you walk into school each day. Remember, it’s the little things in life that mean the most!
Upcoming Events:
CONGRATULATIONS to Fox5 Silver State Student of the week, Trevonn Taylor, who was nominated by his English teacher, Mrs. Petty, for working hard and being so polite, kind, respectful, and appreciative. Click here to view the Fox5 news segment!

SCHOOL ORGANIZATIONAL TEAM: Thank you and congratulations to our new parent members of our SOT! Teacher representatives will be voted for on September 27, and the next Greenspun JHS SOT meeting will be on Wednesday, Oct. 5 at 2:30pm. Click here for GJHS SOT information.
YEARBOOK SPECIAL OFFER: Get four free icons when you order your yearbook with an upgraded cover with your name! Offer ends Friday, September 16, 2022! CLICK HERE for more information!
JEDI ACADEMY CLUB interest meeting Wednesday, Sept. 21 in room 338.
BOYS BASKETBALL OPEN GYM is every Tuesday and Thursday from 2:30 - 4:00 in the gym.
GIRLS BASKETBALL OPEN GYM begins Monday, September 19, and will be held Mondays and Wednesdays from 2:15 - 3:30 in the gym.
Congratulations to the Boys’ Flag Football Team for their win against Schofield Tuesday afternoon. They dominated the field with a score of 14-0. Both boys and girls will play against Thurman White on Monday at White. We hope to see you there! GJHS Clubs & Activities
THE SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR Thank you to the wonderful parent volunteers who generously gave their time to assist with the Fall Book Fair! Together, we earned more than $1,600 for our school! 100% of the Book Fair proceeds are used to purchase prizes and incentives for reading achievement at Greenspun, so make sure you are earning as many Accelerated Reader points as you possibly can each quarter!
DISTRICTWIDE ASSESSMENTS: 2021-2022 Criterion-Referenced Test (CRT) and Nevada Alternate Assessment (NAA) reports, as well as WIDA Continuing Placement and Reclassification letters will be delivered to homes by September 2. For more information click on the links below.
PSAT: All eighth grade students will participate in PSATs on Wednesday, October 12, 2022. This is a no cost test to establish baseline data for students to begin their college and career readiness. The assessment is a pressure-free way for students as they start exploring their pathway to college and a future career. We appreciate your support of this test. To learn more about the PSAT 8/9, please visit https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/psat-8-9.
Check the GJHS calendar for more events & information.
Greenspun Gallery:
Photos courtesy of the GJHS Digital Storytelling class, under the instruction of Ms. Juliano
Check the GJHS calendar for more events & information:
View daily announcements on our Youtube channel!
Follow us on Twitter @greenspunjHS