Week at a Glance:
Monday 4/17:
Jazz Pre-Festival at Green Valley High School
Tuesday 4/18:
Science CRT (8th grade only)
Shining Star
Wednesday 4/19:
Home Soccer Game vs. Miller: 4:00 pm boys; 5:15 pm girls
Straight A Luncheon
Thursday 4/20:
Away Soccer Game @ Silvestri: 4:00 pm girls; 5:15 pm boys
Student of the Month
Friday 4/21:
Dolphin Day & music artist dress-up day
4th quarter progress reports posted to Infinite Campus
Events & Honors:
SBAC testing: SBAC testing:
Science CRT (8th grade only): April 18
End of Course exams (Algebra I & II and Geometry): May 18,19,22
Choir Festival: Congratulations to the Advanced Choir and Concert Choir for receiving straight Superior Ratings at the CCSD Middle School Advanced Choir Festival this week.
GVHS Choir Auditions: CLICK HERE for information about Choir auditions at Green Valley HS.
Summer Acceleration Registration: The time has arrived! Fill out your official registration form for our Summer Acceleration program. Current Greenspun students, including incoming 6th graders, are welcome to attend. Summer Acceleration will be held from May 30th through June 16th during our regular school hours (8:00 am - 2:11 pm.) Once you have filled out your registration form, please go to each link to choose your classes. Fill out one form per child, please. We’re looking forward to a great three weeks! Summer Acceleration 2023
2023-2024 Registration: Registration is now open for the 2023-2024 school year. ALL students must register for the 2023-2024 school year. CLICK HERE for more information!
Cheerleading: Congratulations to the new 2023-2024 Greenspun Cheerleaders. On the JV team are: Juliette Kish, Sunnea Greenly, Danika Clark, Chloe Christensen, Isabella Gudinez, Saniyah Lusk, Janiya McDermott, Brooklynn Cerullo, Brynn Forrest, Summer Bagley, Ivy Soborski, and Sophia Rodriguez. The Varsity team includes: Chloe Floresca, Ava Silander, Ashlyn Zuniga, Anistyn Earl, Sophia Villari, Lydia Sarnelli, Kinleigh Subia, Ellie Oiness, Camryn Schaefer, Karly Montiel, Aaliyah Garland, Abagail Geeb, Abigail Barclay, and Liam Ross.
Progress reports: 4th Quarter Progress Grades will be posted on Friday, April 21st. All assignments for the first 5 weeks are due Wednesday, April 19th. Check Infinite Campus for assignment status. Reminder all missing or redo assignments for Quarter 4 are due by Wednesday, April 19th.
Scoliosis Screening: Postural screening, as required by Nevada State Law, will be conducted by school nurses in your child’s school on April 21, 2023; this screening is only for 6th grade girls and 8th grade boys.
The purpose of postural screening is to detect signs of abnormal spinal development so that the need for treatment can be determined. For this screening, boys and girls will be seen separately. Privacy will be maintained within the constraints of the school setting. Scoliosis is an abnormal curvature of the spine. Most cases of spinal curvature are mild, but may become progressively more severe as the child continues to grow. Early treatment can prevent the development of a severe deformity, which can later affect the health and appearance of the child.
You will be notified only if a possible abnormality is observed and follow-up is necessary. This screening does not replace your child’s need for regular health care and check-ups. If you do not want your child to have a postural screening at school, please notify the school nurse at ebertr@nv.ccsd.net. Thank you.
Absence notes: Please be sure to submit absence notes within 3 days of your childs absence in order for it to be excused. CLICK HERE for attendance information.
Vegas Knight Hawks Greenspun JHS night: The Vegas Knight Hawks are excited to welcome the Greenspun Jr High School kids, staff, and family members on Friday April 28th as we face off against Northern Arizona Wranglers. Show your school spirit, wear your colors, and come out to support your fellow Greenspun Boys and Girls Flag Football Teams as they get to take on the field with some of our Knight Hawks during the National Anthem. Tickets are on sale now for $15. Come out and support your Vegas Knight Hawks and Greenspun Dolphins Football Teams! Click below for more information!

Special Programs: 101 Barber Shop is offering (by appointment only) free haircuts to students with special needs on Tuesdays. The team at 101 Barber Shop specializes in providing a comfortable and safe environment with attention to sensory needs for all clients. Please contact 101 Barber Shop at 702-202-1520.
Running Club: Attention GJHS Running Club. Our last Running Club will be held on April 25th. Thanks, and please see Ms. Lopez if you have any questions.
Birthday Greetings: Do you want an easy and fun way to celebrate your child's birthday at school? For $15, we will display a short message on the outdoor digital marquee to help celebrate the day. Additionally, a bag of treats and a personalized birthday card will be delivered to your child during the school day. All funds raised help support Greenspun clubs and activities. CLICK HERE to submit a birthday greeting for your child!
Infinite Campus Parent portal/Student portal: Parents, please continue to monitor your child’s grades in Infinite Campus Parent Portal. If you need an activation code, please contact the office for assistance.
School Organizational Team: The next Greenspun JHS SOT meeting will be Tuesday, April 18 at 2:30pm. Click here for GJHS SOT information.
Greenspun Gallery:
Photos courtesy of the GJHS Digital Storytelling class, under the instruction of Ms. Juliano
Check the GJHS calendar for more events & information:
View daily announcements on our Youtube channel!