Week at a Glance:
Monday 3/6:
NJHS Candlelighters benefit fundraiser
Tuesday 3/7:
NJHS Candlelighters benefit fundraiser
Wednesday 3/8:
NJHS Candlelighters benefit fundraiser
NO LIBRARY CLUB due to SOT meeting
Thursday 3/9:
NJHS Candlelighters benefit fundraiser
Friday 3/10:
NJHS Candlelighters benefit fundraiser
Despicable Me day!
End of the 3rd quarter
Saturday 3/11:
Color Guard competition at Sierra Vista HS
SPRING BREAK: March 11-19 (classes resume Monday, March 20)
Principal’s Message

“A Bit of Snow”
As the snow continues to fall throughout various regions of the country, I am reminded of our students' reactions when it actually snowed “a bit” at our school.
It happened twice, and on both occasions, it was during the five minute passing time between 5th and 6th periods. Only five minutes of snow flurries, but hundreds of kids chanting, ‘SNOW, SNOW, SNOW, as they rushed into the courtyard to feel the droplets land on their happy faces.
To a bystander, it may have looked extremely chaotic, but to me, it was a celebration. It reminded me that we don’t always have to wait for special occasions to celebrate.
If we take the opportunity, we can find joy every day just by celebrating the simple things in life…whether it is the wagging tail of an adorable puppy, sharing a favorite meal with your family, a good job from one of your teachers, a hug from a friend…or even a bit of snow.
Events & Honors:
SBAC, CRT, & EOC testing: CLICK HERE for information about SBAC, CRT, and EOC testing
8th Grade Trip to Universal Studios:
Special Programs: The Nevada Talking Book Services is a state-run program that provides audio reading materials completely free of charge to eligible borrowers of all ages. To be eligible to use our service someone must have a disability that inhibits them from reading standard print. The program has recently relaxed the certification qualification for individuals that have reading disorders like dyslexia to use our service. For further information, please contact the Nevada Talking Book Services at (775) 684-3354 or email at nvtalkingbooks@admin.nv.gov. You may also visit the website at nsla.nv.gov/ntbs1
The Inclusion Program is an organization that provides a variety of programs for individuals with disabilities in Southern Nevada. They provide individualized lessons and programs that allow clients to achieve a successful, independent life. The mission is to help every student with a disability to develop, pursue and achieve their own goals and dreams. Please check out the amazing classes they have coming up at https://www.inclusionfusion.org/
Summer Acceleration: Greenspun is excited to welcome the return of our Summer Acceleration program! This year it will be held from May 30th through June 16th. Interested families may fill out the Google Form here. Please note: this form is so we are able to send you information in March and does not sign your child up for Summer Acceleration.
Greenspun JHS Cheer: Greenspun Cheer Tryouts will be held April 3rd -6th from 4pm-5pm. A physical is required to try out but you DO NOT register on RegisterMyAthlete.com. You must attend all days of tryouts to be considered for the team. To register for tryouts and get the Physical Form papers please visit the GJHS Cheer Website

GVHS Cheer: Interested in trying out for Green Valley High School Cheer? Tryouts are March 29, 30, and 31 from 3 to 6pm. There is an optional clinic for $15 on March 25th from 11am to 2pm. The mandatory parent meeting will be held at Green Valley on March 9 at 6pm in room 200. Visit the Green Valley Cheer Webpage for more information: https://sites.google.com/view/greenvalleycheer
Color Guard: Color Guard: GJHS Color Guard was awarded 1st place at their competition on Saturday, Feb. 25 at Arbor View HS. Please come out and support the team at our next competition on Saturday March 11 at Sierra Vista HS. The guard will perform at 11:07 am. Hope to see you there!

NJHS Candlelighters benefit: NJHS is teaming up with the Candlelighters to help raise money for kids with cancer in our Las Vegas community. This week, you can help NJHS and Candlelighters by donating your spare cash to your first period teacher. 100% of your donation will go to help a kid with cancer in our community! To make donating even more fun, 22 staff members at GJHS have volunteered to take a PIE to the face should they reach their individual donation goal! Each teacher that reaches their donation goal during GJHS’s Cash for Cancer Campaign will be pied on the morning announcements! Donations are accepted March 6th - March 10th. Stop by that teacher’s room to donate!

Birthday Greetings: Do you want an easy and fun way to celebrate your child's birthday at school? For $15, we will display a short message on the outdoor digital marquee to help celebrate the day. Additionally, a bag of treats and a personalized birthday card will be delivered to your child during the school day. All funds raised help support Greenspun clubs and activities. CLICK HERE to submit a birthday greeting for your child!
Infinite Campus Parent portal/Student portal: Parents, please continue to monitor your child’s grades in Infinite Campus Parent Portal. If you need an activation code, please contact the office for assistance.
School Organizational Team: The next Greenspun JHS SOT meeting will be Wednesday, March 8 at 2:30pm. Click here for GJHS SOT information.
Check the GJHS calendar for more events & information:
View daily announcements on our Youtube channel!
Follow us on Twitter @greenspunjHS