Week at a Glance:
Monday 2/6:
WIDA testing
Shoe Drive
Basketball Game at Miller: 4:00 girls; 5:15 boys
Tuesday 2/7:
WIDA testing
Shoe Drive
Straight A Luncheon
STUCO Valentine Roses
Wednesday 2/8:
WIDA testing
Shoe Drive
STUCO Valentine Roses
Basketball Game at Silvestri: 4:00 girls; 5:15 boys
Thursday 2/9:
WIDA testing
Shoe Drive
STUCO Valentine Roses
Friday 2/10:
Jersey Day
Shoe Drive
STUCO Valentine Roses
Straight O’s Reward activity at lunch
Home Basketball Game vs. Webb: 4:00 girls; 5:15 boys
Principal’s Message

It’s not too late!
As each school day passes, some students are accumulating above-average grades; while others are accumulating below-average grades and missing assignments. The good news is that it is not too late for students to improve their grades.
Third quarter progress reports will be available in Infinite Campus on Monday, Feb. 6, and I encourage you to check your children’s progress. Both you and their teachers can use these reports to work together to develop an educational plan that assists students in achieving confidence in themselves as scholarly learners, as well as demonstrating academic growth.
As educational experts state, “One good way to help students succeed is to track and review their progress over time.”
In addition, forming partnerships between home and school gives us valuable opportunities to collaborate for the benefits of our students. Together, we can have meaningful conversations and provide them with instructional support, as well as the encouragement they need for academic achievement and their overall well being.
Remember, it is not too late!
Parents, please continue to monitor your child’s grades in Infinite Campus Parent Portal. If you need an activation code, please contact Stephany Blanco, office manager, or Mr. Slocum, school librarian, for assistance.
Events & Honors:
E-hallpass: Greenspun is in the trial phase of implementing an electronic hall pass system. This provides teachers and administrators with a live dashboard to see passes in real time, limits the number of students in a certain area, and gives students ownership of their passes throughout the day. CLICK HERE to learn more about the e-hallpass system.
A Message from the Student Success Office: Please be reminded that students selling items on campus is prohibited except for school sponsored fundraisers. Any student found to be selling items on campus will be referred to the Student Success Center.
STUCO Valentine Rose Fundraiser: On Wednesday, February 8, Student Council will begin selling wooden Valentine roses! Grab a few for your sweetie, family, friends, or yourself! Don't miss your chance, we usually sell out fast! $1 for a single rose or $10 for a dozen!
Summer Acceleration: Greenspun is excited to welcome the return of our Summer Acceleration program! This year it will be held from May 30th through June 16th. Interested families may fill out the Google Form here. Please note: this form is so we are able to send you information in the future and does not sign your child up for Summer Acceleration.
6th grade Boys basketball: 6th grade boys remained undefeated in their bid to take home the NYS Championship. The boys are now 3-0, squeaking out a major win over their undefeated opponents, sending the opponent home on Saturday with a 3-1 record.
The Sixth Grade boys team plays every Saturday at Reynolds Boys and GIrls Club. Come out and support our 6th grade boys basketball team at Donald Reynold Boys and Girls Club - 2980 Robindale Rd Henderson NV 89074 on the following dates:
February 4 @1:00pm
February 11 @3:00pm
February 18 @11:00am
Volleyball: Boys and Girls Volleyball will be starting in Spring 2023. Stay tuned for more information coming soon!

Cheer: The Greenspun cheerleaders took 1st place at JAMZ Nationals on January 28th. The stunt team competed against high school teams and placed 2nd out of nine teams!
Cheer Clinic: Get ready for Junior High Cheer Tryouts! Saturday, February 25, 2023 from 8:00 am - 12:00 pm. Participants will learn cheer moves, dance, jump technique, and tumbling. All skill levels are welcome. Participants will receive a Greenspun Cheer Bow! Registration is $40.00 Register online @https://www.greenspunjhs.com/clubs-activities
Colorguard: Color guard will have their first competition on Feb 4th at Arbor View High School. They will perform at 12:00pm with awards at 4:00pm. Hope to see you there!
Soccer: Soccer tryouts are February 21st through February 23rd on the soccer field from 2:15-3:00pm. Girl's and Boy's intramural soccer practices will begin on Wednesday, February 1st. These practices will continue through the month of February every Tuesday and Wednesday after school on the soccer field from 2:15-3:00pm.
Appropriate attire is required for intramural practices including school appropriate athletic clothes, shin guards, soccer cleats, and a positive attitude. Intramural practices will continue until soccer tryouts every Tuesday and Wednesday after school through the month of February! If you have any questions- please contact Coach Sakola or Coach Flickinger.

Homework Club: 6th Grade Math Homework Club will resume with Mrs. Zuniga in room 337 on Mondays and Wednesdays starting February 6th. Come by if you need help in math or need to retake a test.
Annual Shoe Drive: The return of the Annual Greenspun Athletic Shoe Drive is just around the corner, February 6-10! Donations of gently worn used or new athletic shoes will be accepted each morning in the quad or at the front of the school. It's a great time to go through your closets, gather up no longer needed sneakers (any type) or cleats, and bring them in. The sneakers that we collect will help raise money to support programs here at Greenspun AND will help our environment by keeping sneakers out of landfills.
Dolphin Cards: SAVE THE DATE! Students who earned Straight O's for Quarter 2 (these students currently have the 3rd quarter stickers on their school ID's) will be celebrating their Outstanding Citizenship on February 10th during all three lunches. You must be wearing your school ID and sticker to participate. Thanks for being so wonderful, and we look forward to seeing you next month. If you have any additional questions, please see Ms. Lopez.
Home Games for Basketball: A friendly reminder: students must be accompanied by a parent or guardian for all home basketball games. If your child has a current dolphin sticker with the number 3 on it, they may attend without a parent or guardian. Admission is $1 for students and $3 for adults.
Green Valley HS Gator Night: February 27th, 2023 Green Valley High School will be hosting future and current Gators to learn about the courses that are offered at our school. CLICK HERE for more information!
Green Valley HS Registration Information: Please view the slide show presented to 8th graders with information about registration at Green Valley HS:
Yearbook: There are only a limited number of yearbooks remaining! Preserve this year's memories- login to jostensyearbooks.com to purchase your yearbook today! Price increases on January 30. Once the yearbooks are sold out there are no more! jostensyearbooks.com.
Infinite Campus Parent portal/Student portal: Parents, please continue to monitor your child’s grades in Infinite Campus Parent Portal. If you need an activation code, please contact Stephany Blanco, office manager, or Mr. Slocum, school librarian, for assistance.
School Organizational Team: The next Greenspun JHS SOT meeting will be on Wednesday, February 22nd at 2:30pm. Click here for GJHS SOT information.
Check the GJHS calendar for more events & information:
View daily announcements on our Youtube channel!
Follow us on Twitter @greenspunjHS