Week at a Glance:
Monday 10/24
Tuesday 10/25
Straight A Lunch
Wednesday 10/26
Magnet High School Presentation
Flag Football @ Miller: 4:00 girls; 5:15 boys
Thursday 10/27
NO Boys basketball today
Friday 10/28
NO SCHOOL - Nevada Day
Monday 10/31
Costume Day
Events & Honors:
Students of the Month: Congratulations to all of our students of the month for September!
Fatima Gonzalez Montilla
Rares Postirnac
Bella Gutierrez
Leonel Borjon Jr.
Maurice Moses
Isaac Carcamo
Camilla Courtney
Josie Lomeli
Photos courtesy of the GJHS Digital Storytelling class, under the instruction of Ms. Juliano
Shining Stars: Congratulations to all of our Shining Stars for the month of September!
Alissa Zeitler
Andrea Garcia
Ashariya Brown
Ava Ferrer
Avae Lucio
Barbara Pacheco-Villar
Bri-ann Matulac
Camilla Courtney
Cash Comminos
Christopher Almeida
Emilia Clancy
Emma Silva
Gabriel Berst
Gabriel Lopez-Vasquez
Jason Oliva-Guerra
Jeiden Ross
Jeremiah McDermott
Jaylyn Sanchez
Joshua Holmes
Juliette Kish
Maggie Russell
Nicholas Aronovitch-McGreggor
Paige Tassin
Rares Postirnac
Sean Taylor
Photos courtesy of the GJHS Digital Storytelling class, under the instruction of Ms. Juliano
Basketball Tryouts: Tryouts for the Greenspun Dolphins Basketball Teams are just around the corner. Basketball tryouts will be held on Monday, November 14th and Tuesday, November 15th. Tryouts for the Boys Basketball Team will be from 2:15 to 3:45 P.M. and tryouts for the Girls Basketball Team will be from 3:45 to 4:30 P.M. You must attend both days of tryouts. Also, you must have all forms completed on registermyathlete.com in order to try out. If you do not have all forms complete on registermyathlete.com you will not be allowed to try out.
Greenspun Gazette: The students in Greenspun publications have been working hard on their first news stories, and at the end of September we published our first edition for the school year! To check out all things news related- both local and worldwide- visit the Greenspun Gazette on our school website today: https://sites.google.com/nv.ccsd.net/gjhsgazette
Yearbooks: Yearbooks are on sale now! Don't wait until the price goes up, get your yearbook today! CLICK HERE to order your yearbook!
Infinite Campus Parent portal/Student portal: Parents, please continue to monitor your child’s grades in Infinite Campus Parent Portal. If you need an activation code, please contact Stephany Blanco, office manager, or Mr. Slocum, school librarian, for assistance.
Did you know that Greenspun Student Council is on Instagram? Follow us at @greenspun.stuco to know all about school events, activities, fun and more! We also play games and give prizes to our followers! Follow us today! Go Dolphins!
DOLPHIN GEAR PRE-ORDER! You can pre-order your dolphin gear t-shirts on the student council website! Go to greenspunstuco.com and click Spirit Gear to order! We have lots of options to choose from starting at just $10 each! The pre-order closes on 10/21/22! Don't delay! Order your SPIRIT GEAR today!!
SOCKTOBER: This week is our SOCKTOBER drive! Please help our school collect socks for the homeless! New socks can be donated to your first period teacher! The winning class in each grade will win a pizza party and their teacher will get a $25 gift card! Last year we raised over 5,000 pairs of socks! I bet we can beat that this year!
Yearbook: 8th grade farewell ads are now on sale! Yearbooks are more than just a history of your child's year- they are a capsule that stirs nostalgia in years, or even decades, down the road. Give your graduating 8th grader something special in their yearbook. Recognize your graduate with a farewell ad! Ads can be purchased and created at jostensyearbooks.com, or simply scan the QR below.
School Organizational Team: The next Greenspun JHS SOT meeting will be on Wednesday, November 16 at 2:30pm. Click here for GJHS SOT information.
Reintroducing: The Dolphin Card! The Greenspun PBIS Committee is very excited to announce the return of the Dolphin Card! The Dolphin Card was an incentive tool used at Greenspun to reward students for being model citizens. Every quarter, students who receive an O for citizenship in every class will be given a dolphin sticker to put on the back of their ID. This sticker entitles them to privileges such as attending sporting events without a parent, playing 4 square the last 10 minutes of lunch, having their names on the announcements, and more! Students who did not qualify in the first quarter will have an opportunity to earn a sticker for the second quarter. If your child receives a sticker, please remind them that it will not be replaced if it is lost. Congratulations to everyone who had outstanding citizenship, enjoy your rewards, and keep watching the announcements to see more privileges!
Check the GJHS calendar for more events & information:
View daily announcements on our Youtube channel!
Follow us on Twitter @greenspunjHS