Week at a Glance:
Monday 3/3:
CCSD middle school Band festival
Tuesday 3/4:
CCSD middle school Band festival
Wednesday 3/5:
CCSD middle school Band festival
Band field trip to UNLV
All Star Basketball game @4:00pm
Thursday 3/6:
Friday 3/7:
LAST DAY to take an AR quiz for the contest!
Krispy Kreme donut party for Reading Week fundraiser winners!
Principal’s Message:

As parents, I think most of us would agree that raising children in a digital age is not an easy task. The statistics speak for themselves.
According to the United States Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 77% of students reported frequent social media use which was associated with a high prevalence of electronic bullying victimization at school.
The Youth Endowment Fund stated that social media has become a significant factor influencing conflicts among junior high school students.
Nationally, as reported by cdc.gov, 46% of schools have reported an increase in fighting, with social media often serving as a catalyst for these incidents.
Our goal is to foster a safe and positive learning environment at Greenspun, and we would love for you to participate in this endeavor. Monitoring your children’s social media could help prevent arguments, physical altercations, and the unnecessary drama that comes with negative social media posts. Following your children on social media, reviewing their social media history, and monitoring their messages are just a few ways that can give you insight into conversations that could lead them into unwanted situations.
Furthermore, we encourage you to screenshot and report any red flags and/or instances of inappropriate posts evident in your children’s social media so we can work with you to resolve potential issues at school. Thank you for your continued support in maintaining a positive and safe environment for our students.
Events & Honors:
Updates to Tardies, Supervision, and Fights: We wanted to update you on a few important items taking effect immediately.
Beginning Friday, Feb. 28, there will be a tardy lockout in every period. If students are late to their classes, they will be served an after-school detention to be served the following day. If students fail to show up for their after-school detentions, they will serve in-house suspension. First period tardies will be determined on a case-by-case basis. To ensure your student is not marked tardy, please check them in to the office for the tardy to be excused.
Beginning and End of Day
As a reminder and to ensure the safety of all students, our campus does not open until 7:30 am. Please refrain from dropping your student off on campus too early as there is no supervision provided prior to this time. Also, all students must leave campus immediately when the bell rings. Any student that remains on campus for a club, after-school activity, tutoring, etc. must report to their designated area immediately.
Fights and Physical Altercations
We value the safety of all students, faculty, and staff here at Greenspun JHS. We have updated our consequences surrounding fights and physical altercations. From this point forward, any student involved in a fight will be issued a 5-day suspension for the first offense, a 10-day suspension for the second offense, and a recommendation for an academic center or STAR-ON for the third offense. Any student caught filming fights will serve a 3-day in-house suspension consequence. Any student caught instigating fights or causing a campus disruption will serve a major consequence as well. Any student who engages in battery (one-sided fight) against a student or staff member will immediately be recommended for expulsion if the other party presses charges.
Social Media
Parents, please continue to monitor your student’s social media accounts on their phones, especially messaging apps your students may be utilizing. The minimum age to utilize these apps is 13 years old. Ensuring your student is using technology responsibly ensures the safety of all students.
We appreciate your support and please reach out to any of us if you have any questions.
Thank you,
The Greenspun JHS Administration Team
Robotics: Congratulations to Teams A, B, C, and Y, who have all qualified for the VEXIQ Nevada State Robotics Championship this Saturday. They have all worked hard and accomplished great things this season. I know they will all make us proud. Go Dolphins!

Choir: Congratulations to the Greenspun Beginning Choir students and their SUPERIOR performance at festival on February 27th. They had a wonderful stage performance as well as an amazing performance in the sight reading room. They earned SUPERIOR RATINGS from every adjudicator!

GVHS Cheer Tryouts: Attention 8th Graders. Green Valley High School Cheerleading Tryouts will be April 2-4 from 3pm to 6pm in the GVHS cafeteria. An informational meeting will be held at Green Valley HS, at 6pm March 11th in room 200. You will need to complete a tryout packet and have a current physical to tryout. For more information visit the GVHS Cheer Website or see Mrs. Zuniga in room 337. Good Luck Dolphins!
Green Valley High School incoming Freshmen information: Please see below for the course selection information for our incoming freshmen.
2025-2026 GVHS Course Catalog - Read all course descriptions here.
Elective Selection Form - Submit elective requests here.
All Star Basketball Game: We are excited to announce the All Star Basketball Game will be Wednesday, March 5th and is Teachers vs Students. Come out to cheer on your favorite teacher or Greenspun players. Game starts at 4pm. Bring the Greenspun Spirit March 5th.
UPDATE: There is no charge to attend!
Immunization Clinics: March 4, 2025
Del Sol HS Cheerleading Tryouts: Attention 8th graders attending Del Sol High School next year. If you are interested in cheering at Del Sol there will be a parent meeting March 6th from 5-6pm. Tryouts will be held March 10-14th, 2:30 - 4:30pm in the Cafeteria. A physical must be uploaded to your Aktivate in order to try out.

Support for Jacob Aguilar: Jacob’s family would like to express their sincere appreciation for all of the kind words, letters, and donations during this difficult time. Jacob has been making progress in his recovery. If you would like to send a card or letter in support of Jacob’s family, they may be dropped off at the front office. Donations may also be made at GoFundMe: Please click here to donate to the family directly on GoFundMe
Personal Property: The school is not responsible for any personal property of students or their families. Students should not bring valuable items to school. If students bring personal items to school, they do so at their own risk. The school is not obligated to investigate lost or stolen items. The school is not responsible for reimbursement of any kind to students or their families. https://www.greenspunjhs.com/student-handbook
Webstore: The online webstore upgrade is almost entirely completed. Payments may now be made in person to the banker using VISA, Mastercard, Google Pay, and Apple Pay. American Express is not currently accepted, but will be added soon! The online webstore will also be available this Monday, December 16 for payments for PE clothing, ID cards/lanyards and birthday greetings, with more items being added soon! Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to add items to our new online webstore! Parents and guardians must create an account and add their child with a student ID number before they can make payments on the webstore. CLICK HERE to visit the new online webstore!
Absence notes: Parents, please submit absence notes within three days, by clicking on the Attendance icon on our homepage at greenspunjhs.com.
BIRTHDAY GREETINGS: Do you want an easy and fun way to celebrate your child's birthday at school? For $15, we will display a short message on the outdoor digital marquee to help celebrate the day. Additionally, a bag of treats and a personalized birthday card will be delivered to your child during the school day. All funds raised help support Greenspun clubs and activities. CLICK HERE to submit a birthday greeting for your child!
Infinite Campus Parent portal/Student portal: Parents, please continue to monitor your child’s grades in Infinite Campus Parent Portal. If you need an activation code, please contact the office for assistance.
SafeVoice: SafeVoice is an anonymous tip report system with live response 24/7/365. Safevoice (SV) includes and goes beyond bullying to create an anonymous way to also report threats of school violence and friends at risk of suicide, self-harm, drugs and more. CLICK HERE to submit a report
Rave Reviews: Do you know of any CCSD employees who make a difference and are exemplary models of the District’s core values? Recognize one of our many outstanding employees for their commitment to education by submitting a RAVE (Recognize a Valued Employee) Review. CLICK HERE to submit a Rave Review!
School Organizational Team: The next Greenspun JHS SOT meeting will be held Wednesday, March 5, at 2:30pm in the library, to vote on the newly revised 2025-2026 strategic budget. Click here for GJHS SOT information.
Check the GJHS calendar for more events & information.
View daily announcements on our Youtube channel!
Greenspun Gallery:
Photos courtesy of the GJHS Digital Storytelling class, under the instruction of Ms. Juliano